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英语词根(九十) tang,tact=touch接触

英语词根(九十) tang,tact=touch接触

contact:con-=wholly 完全地;tact = to touch 接触;

Ⅰ【n】接触;联系:to come into contact with new ideas 接触新思想;

Ⅱ【v】与···联系:Please contact our office.请与我们办公室联系。

Ⅲ【adj】保持接触的:contact battle 遭遇战;

tact:tact = to touch 接触;

【n】老练圆滑的;机智得体的:An ambassador must have tact. 大事必须机制老练,言行得体。

tactile:tact = to touch 触;-ile [adj]···的;

【adj】①触觉的:tactile organs 触觉器官;②能触知的:This cloth gives a good tactile impression. 这种布料手感很好。

intact:in-=not 不;tact = to touch 触;

【adj】完整无缺的:The fire destroyed the house but left the garage intact. 房子被烧了,车库却完好无损。

tangent:tang = to touch 触;-ent [n]物;

【n】切线:Line A is a tangent of the circle. 直线A是圆的切线。

tangible:tang = to touch 触;-ible [adj]···的;

【adj】①有形的:tangible assets 有形资产;②明确的;确实的:tangible proof 确凿证据;

contagious:con-(com-)= with 与;tag(tang的变体)= to touch 接触;-ious [adj]有···特点的;

【adj】①可传染的;有感染力的:contagious laughter 有感染力的笑声;②接触传染的:contagious disease 传染病;

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