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What’s going on guys/ this is Handsome Shadow Fox with another anime reaction video/ This is Incarnation… Ling Cage… alright/ this is the actual episode 7/ I have found out apparently that they named the last episode we watched, the middle chapter/ well- so this will be episode 7… yeah/ and this is the bilibili charge function a way for you to support the channel if you want to/ but you don’t have to obviously/ and I’m hoping this video goes through/ and I hope you all enjoy and we’re going to get started right now/ so 3.2.1. and Go/

Intro end (anime start)


Awe. That was so (x)ed up/ that was such a (x)ed up moment/


Man/ here we go/ oh yeah, I remember this/ oh, this is so (x)ing weird… still/ even after all this time, it’s still (x)ing weird/ oh, those (x)ing bugs man/ (singing)/


I feel still to this day that it should be a longer song/ the true episode 7/


Alright, it’s about to go down/


GO!/ jump it/ God (x) man/ what/ falcons/


Oh no. Are they going to make it/ uh oh(x2)/ oh (x)/ that’s a lot of people in there/ fix it (x) it/ hit the (x)ing thrusters/ oh my god, oh(x2)/ come on!/ oh my God/ whoooo/ whoa, they’re all right there, oh (x)/ (x)/ thrusters down, burn them all/ let’s go/


That’s right, then crush them/ well the signals lost but they’re all good/ everyone actually survived the first part/ good job/


Well I mean you better hope some of them come back/ bleh(x2)/ ugh/ of the creatures… the (x)ing creatures/ oh, it makes my skin crawl/


I am busy/ great/ uh oh, OH/ oh my God, these (x)ing creatures man… look at them all/ snakedogs… they’re all over the place/ light them up!/ there’s so many/ oh god/ it looks like they’re trying to jump from-/ man they’re climbing sideways/ oh man/ uh oh/


That was close/ yeah get ran over/ oh no, no(x5)/ oh (x)/ good job/ yeah/ what/ oh my God/ give me a (x)ing sword, cut his (x)ing head off man/ poor guy, well we lost one/ one casualty so far/ (x)ing got ripped like in “starship troopers” kind of (x) man/


Which ones dying/ oh no/ this is so sad/ come on, there’s got to be something to do/ something to help her/


What’s his plan/ there’s got to be a plan, is she going to be saved/ oh, there still going/ how many people you think have died off screen/ oh no, no(x5)/ oh no/ careful/ hold them off(x3), come on/ nice explosion/ there’s so (x)ing many of them too/ uh oh/ I knew it/ I (x)ing knew it/ he’s like-/ oh my God, that was so (x)ing funny/ ah, freaky but funny/


Is something else about to happen/ oh/ oh my God/ okay, he was caught/ what are they firing/ ugh/ earth howlers/ their like demonic bullfrogs/ ugh, what the hell/ close it up(x4)/ okay, seriously that’s so creepy… there just like-/ they’re like rubbing down their throats getting ready to fire/ that’s just so (x)ing creepy/ who in this company decided this was a thing/ this is just- oh no/


Nice freaking work there/ uh oh/ (x)/ that play/ couple injured, probably a few dead/ although we’ve only seen one die/ there’s my weapon right there/ yeah, give me that sniper/


That was a (x)ing shot/ went through all their blast and destroyed all of them- oh my God/ knock them down/ hold them down/ ow(x3)/


This is (x)ed up/ ow/ there’s so (x)ing many of them man/ oh my God, are we going to lose a vehicle/ step on it,use thrusters, something/ JUMP/ all or nothing/


Come on(x3)/ fire in the hole/ that was a beautiful (x)ing shot by the way/ LET”S GO!/ I have no idea how they’re making it back though/


Uh oh/ so (x)ed up/ what the (x)/ oh no, no(x#)


Oh my God/ is she going to save/ (X)!/ should of realized, the music was playing but still/ (x) getting real/


Wow/ what a start to the next part of this story/ man just man/ insane(x2)/ well everyone, that was episode 7 of incarnation/ and what a journey that we are going on/ we got stuff happening in the sky and we got stuff on the ground/ a lot of guns, a lot of explosions/ crazy moments, some funny moments in between all that which is really cool/ music, everything just on point/ it’s good to be back to this and I hope you all enjoyed/ and this is Handsome Shadow Fox and I am signing out/


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