The Pym particles are huge basic revolution in physics and biology, or just physics.
But such advanced technology being used to produce suits? are they crazy? to make a warrior, a soldiers? Oh My God, its so ridiculous.
I know I cant blame the director since the movie is just based on the comics, and comics just grow with time. its a parallel universe.
姑且认为这种技术靠一个私人公司的团队就能秘密完成, 但是原子间距小那么多, 对于分子结构是破坏性的, 根本不可能把人变成肉好吧. 而且这种技术是什么鬼?到底是Pym粒子还是Cross的新技术? 如果是前者,那也是用这种粒子去制作实物好吧, 而且得大批量生产, 而且这种粒子怎么储存? 合成这些粒子需要的能量怕是地球都不够用啊. 而且缩小原子, 而人体是由分子规模构成的. 原子间距缩小会形成什么鬼东西? 反正肯定不是血肉之躯, 也不可能维持原型.
就算之前的这些make sense, 那么蚁人的密度是之前的10^5倍, 按照100kg的Hank缩小成几g的肉换算. 要知道金子的密度才是人体的20倍而已.
这还只是宏观. 放到原子结构上, 根本不能make sense.
请问它是缩小的电子轨道的半径还是质子中子的距离? 还是夸克之间的距离? 无论哪一种, 都是牵一发而动全身, 而且都涉及到巨大的能量和不稳定性.
Its insane, its not parallel universe, ok? its fantasy, its imagination with limitied basic science knowledge.
whatever. dont mix science with art.
there is science, there is art, there isnt scientific art or artistic science.
Its just ridiculous.
While, the movie is great, it delievered love, peace, humanity and the relationship between p>
lets talk about the movie. while, its a great movie.
Scenario 1: pronto.