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have a good time (in) doing sth:做....很开心

put on exhibition:举行展览,put on 后加带娱乐性质的活动不可写put on a meeting

hold a meeting:开会

concert going is fantastic but what else can we do?:去看音乐会很棒,但除了看音乐会我们还能做些什么呢?

house cleaning:打扫房子

Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun:在多瑙河两岸骑自行车应该会很有趣

As they say=As people say=As an old saying goes=As the saying goes=As the saying puts it,...:俗话说得好,“.....

He who hesitates is losta loser;迟疑者将丧失良机

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.=One who lives by the sword dies by the sword.=Those who live by the sword die by the sword.:玩火自焚

have the time of ones life:度过某人一生中最快乐的时光

Great Scott!:好家伙,天哪

There was a time when the Conservative Party looked as dead as a dodo in Scotland.:有那么一段时间,保守党在苏格兰看起来完全过时了。

The Tories seemed to have gone extinct by 1997:到1997年,保守党支持者似乎已经灭绝了。

resurrection:|ˌrezəˈrekʃn|[不可数名词, 单数] a new beginning for sth which is old or which had disappeared or become weak 复苏;复兴

the Resurrection [单数] (in the Christian religion 基督教) the time when Jesus Christ returned to life again after his death; the time when all dead people will become alive again, when the world ends 耶稣复活;(世界末日)所有亡者复活

rambunctious:[ræmˈbʌŋkʃəs](ADJ-GRADED) 喧闹的;吵嚷的;欢闹的 A rambunctious person is energetic in a cheerful, noisy way.

She was elected the Scottish Conservatives leader:她当选苏格兰保守党领导人


beleaguered:(ADJ-GRADED) 处境艰难的;饱受非议的;备受指责的 A beleaguered person, organization, or project is experiencing a lot of difficulties, opposition, or criticism.

(ADJ) 被敌人包围的;四面楚歌的;陷入重围的 A beleaguered place or army is surrounded by its enemies.

would love sb to do:希望某人...

