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钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍 超级大国 美利坚合众国(雄鹰暮年)

钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍 超级大国 美利坚合众国(雄鹰暮年)

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•表里不一的虚伪:在南非战争期间,如果沃尔夫冈·申克(Wolfgang Schenck)允许安哥拉共和国独立,那么在美国控制下的OFN会立马对刚刚独立的反对南非之盾的安哥拉宣战,因为OFN比起一个独立的反法西斯的盟友,他们更想要非洲的资源。






o NPP的尴尬处境面临一个分水岭——就是共和民主党政府是否签署民权法案。如果拒绝签署该法案,那么本来对共和民主党抱有幻想的左翼进步人士会加入NPP,这会大大的巩固NPP在美国社会的经济和社会制度上的进步地位。如果民权法案签署,顽固的右翼分子和迪克西派将离开共和民主党,投奔NPP,使该党转向右翼。






o NPP本身是由两个虚构的战后政党组成的联盟,亨利·a·华莱士的左翼民族进步阵线和乔治·s·巴顿的右翼爱国党。





•火线联盟:自由主义者、社会民主主义者的C-NPP和种族隔离主义者、财阀的FR-NPP只因为共同反对共和民主党而团结了起来。如果NPP的中立派玛格丽特·蔡斯·史密斯(Margaret Chase Smith)在1968年的选举中获胜,她必须调节双方的矛盾,以免NPP分裂。



•捡了芝麻丢了西瓜:如果美国在南非战争中彻底打败了非洲之盾(Afrika Schild),他们将在老对头领土上建立新的殖民地(要么权力集中在一个统一的中非共和国,要么沿用旧德国的统治方式)。然而,在纳粹统治多年后,中非已经成了火药桶。加之南非战争使得当地人获得了大量的战争遗留下来的武器。而且他们并不认为美国将军比过去的德国总督好到哪里去。加之国内反对美军长期留驻非洲的呼声越来越高。这些综合因素,最终会导致中非共和国的崩溃。

•亡羊补牢,为时已晚:由于美国在约瑟夫·肯尼迪(Joseph Kennedy)领导下继续奉行孤立主义政策,美国卷入第二次世界大战的时间太晚了,因为当时苏联和大英帝国都被德国击败了

United States of America

Official Name: United States of America

Ruling Party: Republican-Democratic Party (Republican)

Ideology: Liberal Democracy

After being humiliated in the Second World War and seeing Hawaii nuked by the Axis, America was forced to cede the archipelago and other Pacific territories as well as the ports of Los Angeles and San Francisco on the West Coast to Japan. This failure has left much of the population angry and itching for revenge. As the 1960s begin, Americas political elites seek to lead the worlds remaining democratic power in a Cold War against German Fascism and Japanese Imperialism. As CIA analysts predict the impending collapse of Germany and Japan, President Richard Nixon seeks to palliate the anger and worry of various groups of American citizens while containing the expansionism of the other superpowers. In the meantime, various fringe political groups wait for their occasion to introduce new ideologies to an America increasingly p>

General Tropes

·Cavalry Betrayal: During the South African War, if Wolfgang Schenck grants independence to the Republic of Angola, the OFN under the United States will immediately declare war on the newly-independent and anti-Schild Angola, since the OFN wants resources more than independent anti-Nazi allies.

·Chummy Commies: Without the threat of the Soviet Union and with the dominance of the German Reich, Americans in this timeline are more sympathetic to leftist ideologies, with the US government supporting communist rebels abroad and the left wing of the NPP advocating for socialism at home.

·Control Freak: The US holds a strong grip over other OFN countries, especially Iceland (which is ruled by an American military administration), in fear that if they are not properly controlled, those countries would leave their alliance or even join another superpower.

·Dark Horse Victory: It is very unlikely that either the L-NPP or the Yockeys become popular within the NPP and win the presidential elections, and if they do, its a sign something has gone horribly wrong in America.

·Defector from Decadence:

oWhen the NPP rose and the Democratic Party fell, Democrats who didnt want to affiliate with the new party fled to the Republican Party and formed the Republican-Democratic Party.

oThe NPP themselves can get this trope in two ways, depending on if the Republican-Democrat administration signs the Civil Rights Act or not. If the R-Ds refuse to sign the act, disillusioned progressives and other left-wing politicians will join the NPP, strengthening its position as both a socially and economically progressive party. If the Civil Rights Act is signed, die-hard right-wingers and Dixiecrats will leave the R-D party and defect to the NPP, shifting the party to the right.

·Enemy Mine: The National Progressive Party was formed from a union between the left-wing National Progressive Front and the right-wing Patriotic Party, both of whom oppose the R-D establishment and the overwhelming popularity of President Dwight D. Eisenhower (who was the US president in TNO between 1952 and 1960).

·Fallen States of America: If the Left-NPP or the Yockeys win a Presidential election, the US loses all international influence, goes to isolationism, and effectively loses the Cold War.

·Fictional Political Party:

oThe Republican-Democratic Party, which formed after remnants of the Democratic Party joined up with the Republican Party after WWII.

oThe National Progressive Party, which is an eclectic mix of socialists, progressives, segregationists, and fascists united only by opposition to the R-Ds.

oThe NPP itself was formed from a union of two fictional post-war parties, Henry A. Wallaces left-wing National Progressive Front and George S. Pattons right-wing Patriotic Party.

·Invaded States of America:

oThe peace treaty that ended WWII created a series of Japanese-controlled treaty ports on the West Coast. Though not of substantial material value, this occupation of American land is a major political contention.

oIf Hermann Göring becomes Führer of Germany, he can attempt an invasion of the United States, Fall Rockwell. It has predictable results.

·Oppressive States of America: Possible if extremists gain control of the National Progressive Party, and the NPPs candidate then wins the presidential election. Though the constitutional order nominally survives, the NPP is at a minimum capable of crushing the Civil Rights Movement.

·Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The liberal, social democratic C-NPP and the segregationist, pro-business FR-NPP are only held together as long as both can point to a common enemy in the R-Ds. If the NPPs compromise candidate Margaret Chase Smith wins the 1968 elections, she must make concessions with both, lest internal p>

·Victory by Endurance: The Republican-Democratic administration takes this view, believing in analysis suggesting both Germany and Japan are headed towards economic and political insolvency that will leave the US the most powerful nation in the world by simple dint of survival. The only issues are in the accuracy of the prediction, and in keeping the public content doing nothing until that happens...

·Warhawk: The NPP believe that a more direct approach against the rival superpowers should be taken and they seek to reclaim the lost ports from Japan at all costs.

·Won the War, Lost the Peace: If the US achieves a total victory over Afrika-Schild in the South African War, theyll establish new colonies on the territory of their old enemies (in the form of either the Central African Republic or three mandates). However, Central Africa has been vastly destabilised after years of Nazi rule, the natives have access to a vast amount of arms left over from the war and view the American generals who rule over them no better than the German Reichskommissare who used to, and domestic support for keeping US troops in Africa is low. In the end, the Mandates and the Central African Republic are doomed to collapse, in one way or another.

·You Are Too Late: As the US continued to maintain an isolationist policy under Joseph Kennedy, America got involved into World War II too late, when both the Soviet Union and the British Empire were already facing defeat.

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