钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍篇 超级大国 日薄西山 日本国
钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍篇 超级大国 日薄西山 日本国
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随着珍珠港的核爆和CN chongqing的沦陷导致的抵抗的基本停止。一个控制着亚太的旭日已经升起。随着和平时代的到来,新的问题也接踵而至。共荣圈已经成为了傀儡国,保护国和各个省市拼凑成的缝合怪。在表面繁荣的面纱下,出现了一个个势力巨大而且相互竞争的政治团体,把日本政坛变得乌烟瘴气。作为世界三大超级大国之一,日本必须在1962年的世界冷战中站稳脚跟,否则这栋摇摇欲坠的大楼只要轻轻一碰,就会彻底支离破碎。
o尽管对日本的看法存在分歧,日本动漫和漫画仍然受到了一致的认可。甚至Mobile Suit Gundam也可能在70年代出版并获得好评。虽然剧本的叙述视角是从Zeon和Char Aznable的角度而不是Amuro Ray的角度来讲述的。{译者实在不知道这部漫画是什么,所以实在不知道怎么搞了(绝望)}
o在本世界线,加藤 シヅエ是一个坚定的女权主义者和计划生育控制的倡导者。在TNO,她仍然进入政界,作为高木内阁的一员,她仍然是一个广为人知的女权主义者,为妇女权利而战。尽管与现实生活不同,她反对太盛横须斋(包括强制节育)强加的计划生育政策,认为这是有辱人格和不人道的。
•财阀政治:日本的几家拥有巨大权力的财团控制着日本的经济。当安田控股财团(Yasuda Holdings Zaibatsu)被牵连到一个腐败计划中,其股价随后暴跌,几乎摧毁了日本的经济,由此引发了新旧财阀之间的“经济战争”。
•继承人危机(德日的通病):伊诺在腐败丑闻曝光后被赶下台后,日本政坛陷入混乱。然而,分裂的议会未能达成一致,使得皇帝不得不出面干预,任命低层官僚爱知一(Kiichi Aichi)为新首相。然而,爱知的政府是史无前例的无能,只不过是为议会达成一致而争取时间的工具人罢了。真正的伊诺接班人的三个主要候选人是池田正介、高木贤司和Kaya Okinori,但更多的选择可能会根据玩家的选择而定。
Empire of Japan
Official Name: Empire of Japan
Ruling Party: Yokusankai - Conservative Mainstream
Ideology: Fascism
After the nuclear bomb fell on Pearl Harbor, and the final base of Chinese resistance was crushed at Chongqing, the Empire of Japan became an undisputed superpower, dominating over Asia and the Pacific. As times of peace came, new problems quickly emerged. The massive Co-Prosperity Sphere quickly became an unmanageable patchwork of puppets, protectorates, and governorates. In its shadows rose many powerful and competing political cliques, turning Japanese politics into a shadow battleground. As one of the three superpowers of the world, Japan must find its footing in the world of 1962, or else its intricate network of political intrigues will unravel and collapse at the slightest touch.
·Allohistorical Allusion: Elements of the Taisei Yokusankai mirror that of the Liberal Democratic Party in real life.
·Alternate Character Reading: Chinese cities annexed by Japan use the Japanese onyomi readings of their Chinese names.
·The Assimilator: The Japanization of the colonies and parts of the Co-Prosperity Sphere is shown to have continued over the past decades. Not only has this led to hybrid/mixed cultures, but in the case of long-standing territories like Taiwan and Korea, its reached the point wherein any notions of independence have dissipated. How things proceed from there, however, depends on who assumes power after Ino.
·Believing Their Own Lies: The Japanese establishment and the public at large sincerely believe that the Empire was a liberating force for the oppressed peoples of the former colonies of Asia and that their rule is truly beneficial for the peoples of the Sphere. As such, they are genuinely surprised when their subjects attempt to revolt and gain independence.
·But Not Too Foreign: Some territories under direct or indirect Japanese control, such as Hong Kong and former Vlap>
·The Conspiracy: The Dai Li conspiracy is a conspiracy seemingly cooked up by the former KMT spymaster turned underground terrorist Dai Li that strikes Japan later in the 60s, apparently suggesting that the Japanese military is massively infiltrated with Chinese spies. The higher ups of Japan quickly becomes paranoid at the conspiracy and orders an investigation. If the investigation succeeds, it is revealed that Dai Li actually died in the 50s, and the Kempeitai have been spreading false rumors of the conspiracy in order to acheive their own political goals; the Kempeitai gets purged and Japan returns to stability. If the investigation fails, then everything goes wrong; the lower elements of the military mass mutinies due to their fears of corruption in the upper ranks (following Gekokujo traditions). IJA and IJN rivalries spiral out of control and becomes a low-level civil war as entire units engage in firefights and inter-service assassinations of officers become increasingly common. Then popular celebrity and moderate IJA officer Baron Takeichi Nishi gets accused of treason, and him being put on trial causes widespread public outrage. The results of Nishis subsequent trial decides the fate of Japan. Fittingly, Dai Lis true plan was to destabilize Japan by sowing paranoia and taking advantage of already-present internal p>
·Cool Train: The Japan-Korea Tunnel includes 3 rail lines, one for freight transport, one for passenger traffic and one mixed line, with plans for extension into Manchuria at a later date, replacing some, if not all, shipping between it and Japan.
·The Empire: Being the dominant power in East Asia and the Pacific Ocean, the Japanese Empire reigns over the largest population in the world. This remains true to a degree even in Takagis AuthDem path, as despite the reforms, Japanization still occurs in the colonies, albeit with a much more concerted effort to make the locals genuine citizens.
·The Federation: The Co-Prosperity Sphere could evolve into this under a liberalized Japan, which could even include Italy. Even in that scenario, however, it functions akin to a Hegemonic Empire, albeit one where its members genuinely benefit and are similarly loyal.
·Historical In-Joke:
oThe cartridge used by late-game Japanese assault rifles, 5.8x42mm, is in real life the cartridge adopted by the Peoples Republic of China.
oThe Taisei Yokusankais family planning policies bear more than a passing resemblance to the One Child Policy, also enacted by the Peoples Republic of China.
oThe effects of Takagis liberal reforms on society, on top of echoing OTL Postwar Japan, also invoke Glasnost and Perestroika. Right down to the youth adopting American-style influences.
History Repeats: Order44 bears more than a passing resemblance to the February 26 Incident,where radical members of the military attempts to coup the government andpurge their rivals, and institute a totalitarian, militaristic, and aggressivelyexpansionist rule. Even Emperor Shōwa comments on the resemblance betweenOrder 44 and February 26.
·In Spite of a Nail:
oDespite the p>Its even possible◊ for Mobile Suit Gundam to be produced by the 1970s and even gain similar popularity. Though a key difference is that its told from the perspective of Zeon and Char Aznable rather than Amuro Ray.
oIn OTL, Shidzue Katō was a staunch feminist and advocate for birth control in family planning. In TNO, she still enters politics, and as part of Takagis cabinet, remains an avowed feminist and fights for womens rights. Though unlike real life, she opposes the family planning policies imposed by the Taisei Yokusankai (which include mandatory birth control) as being demeaning and inhumane.
·Interservice Rivalry: The Navy and the Army are still rivals, but their rivalry is not as relevant as the 30s or 40s. They dont have a lot of influence on the Japanese mainland, but they have lots of influence in the overseas territories, so the civilian government must at least partially answer their demands.
·Mega-Corp: There are several major Zaibatsu in Japan, which hold significant power and prop up a large portion of the economy of the Sphere. When the Yasuda Holdings Zaibatsu gets implicated in a corruption scheme and their stock prices subsequently go into freefall, it nearly destroys the economy of the entire Sphere, triggering the Economic Wars between the old Zaibatsu and the new Keiretsu.
·Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot: The first phase of the game as Japan starts with a massive investigation event chain, which begins as an ordinary detective story and ends with the exposure of corruption among the higher-ups in the Taisei Yokusankai, Army, Navy, and big business, leading to the collapse of Prime Minister Inos government and irreversible changes for the politics and economics of the Empire of Japan.
·La Résistance: A lingering resistance still operates in Korea, though by 1962 it has been under Japanese control for so long that Korean independence is nothing more than a pipe dream.
·Right Hand vs. Left Hand: Japanese politics is incredibly factionalized. The many different factions of Japan all want to advance their own agenda and solidify their own power, and form networks of influence and make intricate political maneuvers to weaken the other factions. The (many factions of) Taisei Yokusankai, the (also factionalized) Army, the Navy, the Zaibatsu and the Keiretsu are all a part of this vast game for control of Japan. Playing as Japan requires the player to manage the support and influences from all these factions so that the players chosen PM can stay in power.
·Secret Police: The infamous Kempeitai is still active in Japan. It’s also the true perpetrator behind the Dai Li Conspiracy.
·Succession Crisis: After Ino is ousted following the revelation of his corruption scandal, Japanese politics is thrown into chaos. However, the p>
·We ARE Struggling Together: The Taisei Yokusankai, the one and only political party in Japan, doesnt, in fact, have an ideology or a group of interests that unites all of their members. Instead, the party is heavily fragmented between feuding cliques and factions that have little in common between each other and pursue completely opposite political goals. Balancing the interests of the different factions within the Yokusankai is essential for any Prime Minister if he wants to keep his seat in the office.
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