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钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍篇 法兰西国 今天我们不乳法

钢铁雄心4TNO 国家介绍篇 法兰西国 今天我们不乳法

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忠实的走狗(Les Collabours):法国被让-路易·蒂克西尔·维南库,贝当的继承人统治着。


秘密军团—法兰西卫队:Arme Secrète是维希政府创建的秘密警察部队,他们的主要的任务就是镇压国内的抵抗组织


翻译员的寄语:法兰西可以输掉一场战争,他的政府可以投降。但是法兰西的人民是不会灭亡的。尽管勃艮第的毒气室,布列塔尼的雇佣兵,意大利,伊比利亚的精英的殖民地军队侵扰着法国,尽管他们可以侵占法国的领土,他们可以杀掉法国的人民,但是他们不可能让法国的人民投降,放弃抵抗,今天,在TNO我们不再乳法,我只想说一句Vive la France! Vive le peuple!(Lang leve Frankrijk,Lang leve het volk)

French State

The French State is the regime formed by Marshal Philippe Pétains collaboration with Germany. By 1962, the French State is a failing state after years of subordination under Germany. The economy has crashed with Germanys, their colonies were partitioned or declared independence, their land was taken away to form Burgundy and Brittany, their military is restricted to being borderline non-existent, and their politics are a chaotic mess as well. Things are not looking good for France.

·Authority in Name Only: Although the French State de jure controls all of Algeria, it effectively only controls the capital city of Algiers. The rest of Algeria is controlled by the Iberian and Italian militaries, who use the protection of their settler population as an excuse to continuously occupy Algeria.

·Butt-Monkey: The past two decades have certainly not been kind to France. It lost the war against Germany, its economy and military were crippled by the Reich, the eastern part of the country was given to Germany, Italy and the SS, Brittany seceded without its approval, and it is still plagued with rebels and German red tape. When Burgundy inevitably comes knocking, France has no chance to resist, and it will be reduced further to only the southern half of the country.

·Les Collaborateurs: Metropolitan France is still ruled by the successors to Pétains government, headed by Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour.

·Curb-Stomp Battle: France stands no chance against the Burgundian invasion right after the beginning of the German Civil War. France is put under heavy military and industrial restrictions from Germany and has only a few weak militia squads to protect themselves, while Burgundy has one of the strongest armies in the world, secondary only to the worlds superpowers. The developers have even said that it is functionally impossible to beat Burgundy as France, because defeating Himmler so early would throw everything into whack and break the game.

·Secret Police: The Organisation Armée Secrète is a secret police force that has dedicated itself to combatting the lingering Resistance.

Vestigial Empire: After the war, the French State lost large swathes of Metropolitan France and all of their colonial empire except the city of Algiers. Once Burgundy invades, they lose even more of their territory, reducing them to southern Metro France

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