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让某人走开/滚开 的英文表达!

让某人走开/滚开 的英文表达!


1. beat it 走开


Beat it! This is a private conversation between Lola and me, and we don’t want you to hear what we’re saying.


2. shoo 走开


The woman told her children to shoo and play outside so that she could watch her TV show without interruption.


3. wave someone off


The store clerk approached the customers to ask if they needed help, but they waved him off before he could speak.


4. run along 走开


The policeman caught the thief and then turned to the people who were watching, saying, “Run along, everything is under control and there’s nothing else to see here.”


5. go away 走开, 离开

Why did you go away without saying goodbye?


6. get lost 走开,滚开!(粗鲁地)

Sally told her little brother to get lost, but he kept following her around.


7. take a hike 滚开!

You’ve been sleeping on my couch for two weeks! It’s time to take a hike and find another place to live.


8. trouble maker 捣乱者,闹事者

Teachers often send troublemakers to the principal’s office for punishment.


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