Sanjay Suda
2040 is a long way away and it is difficult to accurately foresee how the world will evolve; however my take is as follows:
Definitely China, India and Indonesia will be formidable economies by 2040. India and China will both become world powers militarily and be able to project this power internationally.
Possibly include Brazil, if it can keep right wing fanatics from destroying the Amazon forests.
UK will be a much reduced power after its ill advised break from the EU - maybe it will re-apply for entry to the EU by 2040.
The Trump legacy will lead to USA becoming more isolated internationally and its huge debt burden will likely lead to reduced military expenditures; however, it will still remain the pre-eminent military power though weakened substantially economically and with fewer allies and international support.
India and China will emerge as leaders in technology powered by their huge STEM graduates and workforce and will displace USA in this.
The international alliances and relationships that were so carefully built up over decades since WWII will see a seismic shift in influence from the Western nations to the Eastern nations such as India, China and Indonesia.
The EU will become more closely bound together economically and militarily and NATO’s role may be redefined.
So ultimately the 5 major powers in 2040 are most likely to be:
2 China
3 Russia
4 India
5 A more united Europe led by Germany and France
I believe that the militaries of USA, Russia, China and India will become more similar in their respective capabilities with all four nations having the capability of projecting their military power internationally (beyond their immediate regions which India and China dominate right now)
NATO will become a more European centred rather than being USA centred.
The word will be more balanced militarily with multiple powers and this would lead to lesser international interference by any single power
Other major powers will be:
1 UK
2 Japan - a more militarily self sufficient Japan
3 Indonesia
4 Turkey, depends upon how its relationship with Europe develops and how well is it able to retain its secular principles
5 Brazil, it could still go the way of Argentina at the start of the 20th century, but it could also get its act together
6 Possibly a resurgent South Africa or even Nigeria, though the latter is a long shot as yet
This is my humble opinion, not an expert in any way, and I am sure there will be other countering views, equally worth consideration and discussion
Milos Milic, Military enthusiast and lover
It would probably be these 5 countries:
*Not in order*
Russia has a huge potential to become world leading military superpower and maybe economic powerhouse (Because of wast resources it owns).
By 2040 Russia has a chance to become worlds most powerful military, and if they continue like this, making weapons paralleled to US weapons it could change from being a Defensive superpower in to a Offensive superpower.
Just in last couple of years Russian military achieved massive success, capturing Crimea without a single shot fired, helping Syria free 80% of its country from ISIS.
By 2040 Russia can and probably will have a Blue water navy.
If Russia uses its full potential it could easily become an economic powerhouse, it has unparalleled amounts of resources ranging from oil to uranium and titanium.
Only thing that is keeping Russia down is co ption and sanctions imposed by the West in 2014 after annexation of Crimea.
All in all big potential, just needs more time.
China is already a massive economic superpower 13.61 trillion USD (2018), only behind US. It will most likely take Russian place as 2nd most powerful military in the world by 2030 but it wouldnt hold it for long because of all the copies created by Chinese military, it can hold that spot for 3 to 4 years than it would probably fall back down to 3rd position.
China is a country with 1.4 billion people and its no wonder that they have such a big economy.
China also has vast unused resources but not as much as Russia does.
One thing that is holding China back is also its main advantage, its population. China does have 1.4 billion people but that means massive impact for environment with pollution.
All in all its not if China will become a superpower but when will china become a superpower.
US will remain a superpower for at least couple of decades.
Massive economy 20.5 trillion USD, massive and most advanced military in the world.
Largest Navy in the world with 11 supercarriers and 20 carriers in total.
One thing US lacks are good politicians, After Barack Obama US is being on a steady decline because of people like Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.
All in all it will remain a dominant power in the world for a long time.
India is still a developing country that will need a lot of time to become a superpower, but by 2040 it will become one.
Indian economy is thriving, driven by 1.3 billion people, by 2040 we can expect India to become 3rd biggest economy in the world only behind China and EU.
Indian military need a lot of modernization, they’ve taken some steps in modernizing it by cooperating with Russia, buying T-90M MBT, joint development of Su-57 (India hasnt yet pulled out but its not helping either in developing it), new and modernized Navy. India is investing heavily in to modernizing its Military.
Only problem is that Indian people are poor (GDP per capita in India is around 2000 USD), and they will be for a long time.
All in all India is on its path to becoming a superpower but its same as Russia, need more time.
and last but not least…
印度军队需要进行大规模现代化,他们已经采取了一些措施,与俄罗斯合作,购买T - 9000万MBT,联合开发苏-57(印度还未退出,但对研发也没有帮助),打造新的现代化海军。印度正在大力投资军事现代化。
Altho not a country, EU is working like a single country, one single market, one currency (except some countries that kept their currency so their Economy wouldnt collapse) one go nment, they are even planning on having a single military.
Massive economy of 17 trillion USD, quite big military that is quite advanced.
EU is currently most advanced and most developed country in the world, and it will remain that way for a long time. New countries joining EU are just gonna boost EUs military and economic capacity.
EU is set to become a single country and probably 2nd biggest economy in the world with 3rd or 4th most powerful military in the world.
All in all EU is set on becoming a superpower and like China its a matter of time.
That was my take on Which countries will be the top 5 world superpowers in 2040?
David Atwell
It will be hard enough to predict what the next two years will be like, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, let alone what will happen 20 years from now.
But, before I channel Nostradamus, first we should define what a Superpower is. So I’ll use this one from Wiki as it seems to sum it up well whilst leaving a bit of flexibility in our analysis:
A superpower is a state with a dominant position characterized by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. This is done through the combined means of economic, military, technological and cultural strength as well as diplomatic and soft power influence.
5) Brazil
I will admit this one is controversial and their current handling of the coronovirus is making Trump appear wise and knowledgeable. So negative points there.
Nonetheless Brazil has been making great strives in increasing its position on the global stage. It’s industrial base has been increasing, its financial position has been improving, plus being the most powerful of the South American countries helps here as well.
Plus its not shy in cooperating with China and others in order to move forward in numerous ventures especially in diplomatic matters. And whilst I’m sure China is doing this for Chinese interests first, Brazil can benefit at the same time thus also gain as a result.
5) 巴西
4) The United States of America
I put the USA fourth due to the current trends taking place. Leaving aside any further acceleration in the current trends, due to the coronavirus, President Trump seems determined to ensure that his America first policies are both isolationist and alienating to both friends and foes alike. This alone does the USA no favours in trying to keep the number one place on the list. It certainly rules out the diplomatic and soft power categories, in our definition.
Furthermore, the financial and industrial decline in the USA has been ongoing for some time. And being in record debt doesn’t help either. Similarly we’ve seen a continuous reduction in military power which the never ending wars have contributed towards.
All is not lost, for the USA, but in 2040 all the above and more will take its toll.
3) India
There’s no secret that India has already made a massive cultural global impact for decades if not centuries. Anyone in Britain or the Commonwealth readily knows this as do many Americans I’d imagine.
Meanwhile, in the last decade, their financial power has been gaining great momentum, due to a lot of reasons, but technology and the computer industry are chief among them. It also helps that a significant number of the population, now over 1 billion which is significant in of itself, can speak English.
Combine that with a large military, which has nukes, means to say they’re already a significant regional power and a nation which cannot be ignored on the global stage. Give it a further 20 years and India will be even stronger.
2) EU
I will put the EU second on the list here but with a major proviso: that being further efforts at building a federation of European states takes place where the current nation-state members essentially become states instead akin to the USA and Australia. And I will admit this is far from certain.
Nonetheless such an EU will be extremely powerful in its economy, its industries, not to mention its cultural impact upon the world. Similarly it will be a major player in all things diplomatic, as is the case now, as well as in soft power.
On the military front, there’s no denying that a combined EU armed forces would be among the strongest in the world. And given France would still have nukes, like India, it will be nuclear armed with more advanced nuclear systems than India and likely better than China.
1) China
Speaking of China, yes China will be the number one superpower in 2040. It’s trajectory has been heading in this direction for well over a decade as China seems to have no limit to its monetary reserves, its willingness to advance its industries, or for that matter its global investments.
Its global reach is everywhere whether it be in smartphones, computers, through to diplomatic moves or investment ones. Africa and Asia has seen a lot of these latter moves, more so than any other regions, but Central/South America and Europe has also gained from China. Even the USA enjoys China’s strength by the fact that China holds some $2 trillion worth of American debt.
Furthermore, as America retreats into isolation, thanks to Trump’s policies, China is rapidly taking advantage and filling the vacuum left behind from America’s withdrawal with their own presence.
Naturally China also has a very powerful military, which has seen a massive modernization program come about, that includes everything from aircraft carriers to stealth fighter jets and hundreds of nuclear weapons, which only strengthens China’s goal of becoming the number one superpower in 2040