Rhino die every day, so why is the worldmourning the loss of Tam? Tam was the last male Sumatran rhinoceros in Malaysiaand was thought to have died of old age in his thirties – elderly for aSumatran rhino. He was taken from the wild in 2008 to a sanctuary in MalaysianBorneo. His health had been deteriorating since April 2019 and he finallysuccumbed in May. He is survived by a single female, Iman, who cannot reproducedue to a ruptured tumour in her uterus.
The news isn’t good, but an estimated 80inp>
The majority of the remaining Sumatranrhino are reckoned to be on Sumatra – the largest island of Indonesia – with ahandful likely in the wild in Indonesian Borneo. For such a rare species with ascattered distribution that lives in dense mountain forests, uating thepopulation size isn’t easy. Camera trapping is the main tool for counting thisrelatively diminutive and shy rhino, but even confidence in the estimate of 80inp>
Sumatran rhino once roamed across Asia,from south-east India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand to the islands ofSumatra and Borneo. It’s believed the wild Malaysian populations are nowextinct. There may be a small population in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Eric Dinerstein/Wikipedia
A young female called Pahu – whose foresthabitat was literally being removed from under her feet by mining companies –was captured in 2018 and is apparently doing well in captivity. Sadly, there isa risk to this strategy. By removing rhino from their habitat, we furtherreduce the probability of them breeding successfully in the wild.
Mother, Ratu, with four-month-old Andatu atthe Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia. International Rhino Foundation/Wikipedia, CCBY
As an ecologist, captive breeding issomething that I find hard to celebrate. But it may be the only hope to save aspecies that, otherwise, appears doomed to slowly dwindle into extinction.
While the science is developing,“de-extinction” is still an expensive and unlikely long shot that raises itsown practical and ethical dilemmas. If successful, we could end up farming anecologically dead species. I want wild animals to be in the wild contributingto the ecosystems within which they evolved – not living in zoos forever.
An adolescent male Sumatran Rhino, killedby a stake when it fell into a trap in 1900. Now resident at the NationalMuseum of Scotland. Jason Gilchrist,Author provided (No reuse)
Both modes of rescue – captive breeding andgenetic resurrection – are too little, too late, like firefighters takingaction when the damage is already too far gone. The longer that society waitsto help a declining species, the greater the delay in addressing the drivingforces of endangerment, be they poaching, habitat loss, non-native species, orclimate change. And the lower the probability of success, and the greater thecost of the attempt.
So, Tam was just one rhino. He was not thelast of his species, or even the last male of his species, but he is one moreloss from an already limited population. The lower the population size, thegreater the impact of losing another inp>
(本文作者Jason Gilchrist为来自爱丁堡龙比亚大学的生态学家)
1、Please continueto save the Sumatran rhinos and get rid of all the poachers because since thelast Malaysian male died, we really need to boost their numbers back up ifwe’re going to save this wonderful smallest member of the Rhino family becauseI care a lot about them and other rhinos as well as all Wildlife around theworld.
2、It would havebeen nice to mention that one of the males in Way Kambas is Harapan, born inthe US and returned to Indonesia to help save his species as a young animal.Now 12 years old, it is hoped he will start breeding soon.