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她曾爱过他,至少试着爱上他。父亲送她去君临前,说:“他是七国最勇武最英气的男子,你肯定会爱上。” 她本以为,最浪漫的美梦也不过如此,毕竟不是每个贵族小姐都有机会嫁给王子,而她嫁给了国王。那个女巫的预言不假。但这不是什么美梦,是噩梦。














“可能吧。 大学士说一直那个样子,他觉得是好兆头,要是他活不下去应该第一天,第一会儿就死了。但他一直撑到了现在。要是诸神慈悲,他不多时就能醒。即便,他也瘸了,应该没法走路了。我觉得这孩子能撑过去。”









”不, 我要去跟着班扬去看看绝境长城”











For four days, she could not eat even a bite. yet she pretended she was all right. that nosy and naughty child should have died at the moment.

it was not her fist time seeing a child die. her first child died long ago. he was king Roberts son. as a queen, she ought to bear a son for the king, though the king hated her and thus, she hated him back.

she loved him once, at least she tried.he was the most brave and handsome man in the seven kingdom, and you certainly will appreciate that. father said before sending her to kings landing. she thought it was even better than her wildest dream, for not every lady can marry a prince.the witch was right, she will marry a king. but it was not her fairy dream that came true. a nightmare.

he often went to brothels, and more, brought whores to court, and even picked up ugly serving girls in the court to her bedchamber and sullied her bed. king Robert loved only one woman, lyanna. so every other woman, queen or whore, was not different. the first time they beded, Robert was drunken and senseless, he roared lyanna until finally climaxed and fall asleep. since then she couldnt not love the king even a little bit. but she must fulfill her duty.so she took his seeds by hands and planted into her. bearing that child like a burden she has never borne, and giving birth was like being slaughtered, yet the child died three days after. she felt not the slightest sorrow. it was also true now.

a shrill broke the uneasy quietness of the breakfast.mother! mother ! the voice neared, jofrey was running towards them with each cheek flaming and swelling. mo...mother! he hit me ! tiryon hit me in the face!

why ? for what ?

he force me to pretend that Im sorry for bran and kneel before the starks !

get away ! why are you so silly and weak ! crying just for two slaps ? you are weaker than a woman! cersei bellowed.

come on, he was only a twelve-year-old ! Jamie smiled .

you should punish your filthy brother for that ! now stop whimpering and get away !you are ruining our lannister honor !

who is filthy ?

the one they just talked about came .

why isnt the king there? is he late for bed ?

our king was in deep sorrow with starks.cersie replied .

tyrion ordered a servant : bring me some good bread and bacon cooked slightly burned . and some dark beer to wash them down . well my sweet sister ,you look bad. didnt have a good sleep last night ? I wonder you must be so concerned about the child ! tyrion smiled, eyes blinking at her .

will bran be fine ? a boys voice quivered .

pherhaps, tomman. maester said that he was still the same. he think it is a good sign . if the boy was going to die , he would have died the first day or the first moment . but he made it till now , if gods are good he might wake up at some moment . even though, the maester said he would be crippled. but any way I think he would make it anyway .

is he? Ill pray for him ! tommen dropped his toast and closed his hands, eyes shut, murmuring. his sister mesella saw, and followed, and tears slided from her eyelids .

weakness ! even weaker than jofrey ! cersie was more infuriated, but since she was in the starks hall, it was not time to educate the two .

if gods are good, they should give him a clean death than to suffer . Jamie commented , even if he lives, he was certainly crippled, or even lose all his legs like a grotesque !whats the point of living like that ? if I were his father , I would slid his throat myself .

well, as a grotesque, I have some words to say. even living as a cripple is much better than death . life is full of possibilities!

the only possibility of these days is we have to stay in this damnable place. the stark will not leave the castle as his son was still dying .

he will if the king orders. his seat was not in winterfell !

then you two should be prepared. Robert was not that patient, only gods know when he will open his eyes.

we two ? are you going to stay and mourn for bran ? cersie scorned .

no, Im going to visit the wall with benjen stark .

well, are you thinking to join the night watch ,brother ? our father will have no heir except cercie .I dont know you love our sister this much

celibate ? no !the whores from dorn to the neck will starve to death ! I just want to see the wall and piss at the edge of the world ! tyrion laughed .

the children are listening ! how dare you say such filthy thing in front of them ! cersie grabbed tommen and mesella , leaving .

you can ask your children not to do dirty job from now on. when I came back bran might have been get over that and be delighted he can still piss .

cersie hated this brother even more, and quickly stepped to the door .

but I cared more about what would bran say if he wakes .

cersie froze. she turned slowly. tyrion was grinning at her, eyes narrowed while Jamies eyes rounded. that imp always pretend he knew. did he ?

sometimes I doubt which side you are on , and which house you are from . thats the only words she can find now .

you wounded me , my dear sister. you know how much I love our family !

yes , very much , arent you ? I should have killed you to revenge my mother .


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