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(BIOLOGY)(英文原文及翻译) (biology的形容词)

(BIOLOGY)(英文原文及翻译) (biology的形容词)


The science of biology 生物学


1-1The science of life 生命科学

1-2The nature of science 科学的本质

1-3An example of scientific inquiry :Darwin and Evolution 科学探究的一个例子:达尔文与进化论

1-4Unifying themes in biology 生物学统一主题


The Nature of Molecules and the Properties ofWater 分子的性质和水的性质

2-1The nature of atoms 原子的性质

Any substance in the universe that has mass and occupies space is defined as matter. All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. Because of their size,atoms are difficult to study. Not utill early in the 20th century did scientists carry out the first experiments revealing the physical nature of atoms (figure2.1).



Large-angle scattering of αparticles led Rutherford to the existence of the nucleus.


Atomic structure includes a centralnucleus and orbiting electrons


Objects as small as atoms can be seen only indirectly, by usingcomplex technology such as tunneling microscopy (figure 2.2).


We now know a great deal about the complexities of atomic structure, but the simple view put forth in 1913 by the Danish physicistNiels Bohr provides a good starting point for understanding atomictheory.


Bohr proposed that every atom possesses an orbiting cloudof tiny subatomic particles called electrons whizzing around acore, like the planets of a miniature solar system.


At the center of each atom is a small, very dense nucleus formed of two other kindsof subatomic particles: protons and neutrons (figure 2.3).


Atomic number


Different atoms are defined by the number of protons, a quantitycalled the atomic number.


Atoms with the same atomic number(that is, the same number of protons) have the same chemical prop-erties and are said to belong to the same element.


Formally speak-ing, an element is any substance that cannot be broken down to anyother substance by ordinary chemical means.


Within the nucleus, the cluster of protons and neutrons is held together by a force that works only over short, subatomic distances.


Each proton carries a positive (+) charge, and each neu-tron has no charge. Each electron carries a negative (-) charge.


Typically, an atom has one electron for each proton and is thuselectrically neutral. The chemical behavior of an atom is due to the number and configuration of electrons, as we will see later inthis section.


Atomic mass


The terms mass and weight are often used interchangeably, but theyhave slightly different meanings. Mass refers to the amount of asubstance, but weight refers to the force gravity exerts on a substance.


An object has the same mass whether it is on the Earth orthe Moon, but its weight will be greater on the Earth because theEarths gravitational force is greater than the Moons.


The atomic mass of an atom is equal to the sum of the masses of its protons and neutrons. Atoms that occur naturally on Earth contain from 1 to 92 protons and up to 146 neutrons.



Scanning-tunneling microscope image. Thescanning-tunneling microscope is a nonoptical way of imaging thatallows atoms to be visualized. This image shows a lattice of oxygenatoms(dark blue) on a rhodium crystal (light blue).



Basic structure of atoms. All atoms have anucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, except hydrogen, the smallest atom, which usually has only one proton and no neutrons in itsnucleus. Oxygen typically has eight protons and eight neutrons in itsnucleus. In the simple Bohr model of atoms pictured here, electronsspin around the nucleus at a relatively far distance.


a. Atoms are depicted as a nucleus with a cloud of electrons (not shown to scale).b. The electrons are shown in discrete energy levels. These are described in greater detail in the text.

a. 原子被描绘成一个带有电子云的原子核(未按比例显示)。b.电子以离散的能级显示。这些在正文中有更详细的描述。

The mass of atoms and subatomic particles is measured in units called daltons. To give you an idea of just how small theseunits are, note that it takes 602 million million billion(6.02 x 10²³)daltons to make 1 gram (g). A proton weighs approximately 1 dal-ton (actually 1.007 daltons), as does a neutron (1.009 daltons).


In contrast, electrons weigh only 1/1840 of a dalton, so they con-tribute almost nothing to the overall mass of an atom.




The positive charges in the nucleus of an atom are neutralized, or counterbalanced, by negatively charged electrons, which are located in regions called orbitals that lie at varying distances around the nucleus. Atoms with the same number of protons and electrons are electrically neutral- -that is, they have no net charge,and are therefore called neutral atoms.


Electrons are maintained in their orbitals by their attractionto the positively charged nucleus. Sometimes other forces overcomethis attraction, and an atom loses one or more electrons. In other cases, atoms gain additional electrons. Atoms in which the numberof electrons does not equal the number of protons are known asions, and they are charged particles.


An atom having more protonsthan electrons has a net positive charge and is called a cation. Forexample, an atom of sodium (Na) that has lost one electron becomes a sodium ion (Na+), with a charge of + 1. An atom having fewer protons than electrons carries a net negative charge and iscalled an anion. A chlorine atom (Cl) that has gained one electron becomes a chloride ion (Cl ), with a charge of-1.




Although all atoms of an element have the same number of pro-tons, they may not all have the same number of neutrons. Atoms ofa single element that possess different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes of that element.


Most elements in nature exist as mixtures of different isotopes. Carbon (C), for example, has three isotopes, all containing six protons (figure 2.4). Over 99% of the carbon found in nature exists as an isotope that also contains six neutrons.


Because the total mass of this isotope is 12 daltons (6 from protons plus 6 from neutrons), it is referred to as carbon-12 and is symbolized ¹²C. Most of the rest of the naturally occurring carbon is carbon-13, anisotope with seven neutrons. The rarest carbon isotope is carbon-14,with eight neutrons.


Some radioactive isotopes are more unstable than others,and therefore they decay more readily. For any given isotope,however, the rate of decay is constant.



The three most abundant isotopes of carbon. Isotopes of aparticular element have different numbers of neutrons.


The decay time is usually expressed as the half-life, the time it takes for one-half of the atomsin a sample to decay. Carbon-14, for example, often used in thecarbon dating of fossils and other materials, has a half-life of 5730 years. A sample of carbon containing 1 g of carbon- 14 today would contain 0.5 g of carbon-14 after 5730 years, 0.25 g11,460 years from now, 0.125 g 17,190 years from now, and so on. By determining the ratios of the different isotopes of carbon and other elements in biological samples and in rocks, scientists are able to accurately determine when these materials formed.。


Radioactivity has many useful applications in modern biol-ogy. Radioactive isotopes are one way to label, or tag, a specific molecule and then follow its progress, either in a chemical reactionor in living cells and tissue.


The downside, however, is that theen ergetic subatomic particles emitted by radioactive substances have the potential to severely damage living cells, producing genetic mutations and, at high doses, cell death.


Consequently, exposure to radiation is carefully controlled and regulated. Scientists who work with radioactivity follow strict handling protocols and wear radiation-sensitive badges to monitor their exposure overtime to help ensure a safe level of exposure.


Electrons determine the chemicalbehavior of atoms


The key to the chemical behavior of an atom lies in the number and arrangement of its electrons in their orbitals. The Bohr model ofthe atom shows inp>


A particular electron, however, is more likely to be in some areas than in others. An orbital is defined as the area around a nucleus where an electron is most likely to be found. These orbitals represent probability distributions for electrons---that is, regions more likely to contain an electron. Some electron orbitals near the nucleus are spherical (s orbitals), where as others are dumbbellshaped (p orbitals) (figure 2.5). Still other orbitals, farther away from the nucleus, may have different shapes. Regardless of its shape, no orbital can contain more than two electrons.


Almost all of the volume of an atom is empty space. This is because the electrons are usually far away from the nucleus, rela-tive to its size. If the nucleus of an atom were the size of a golfball, the orbit of the nearest electron would be a mile away. Consequently, the nuclei of two atoms never come close enough innature to interact with each other. It is for this reason that an atoms electrons, not its protons or neutrons, determine its chemical behavior, and it also explains why the isotopes of an element, all of which have the same arrangement of electrons, behave the same way chemically.



Electron orbitals.


a. The lowest energy level, orelectron shell--- the one nearest the nucleus---is level K. It is occupied by a single s orbital, referred to as 1s. b. The next highest energy level, L, isoccupied by four orbitals: one s orbital (referred to as the 2s orbital) and three p orbitals (each referred to as a 2p orbital). Each orbital holds two paired electrons with opposite spin. Thus, the K level is populated by two electrons, and the L level is populated by a total of eight electrons.c. The neon atom shown has the L and K energy levels completely filled with electrons and is thus unreactive.

a: 最低能级,电子壳层(离原子核最近的)是K级。它被一个s轨道占据,称为1s. b:下一个最高能级L由四个轨道构成:一个s轨道(称为2s轨道)和三个p轨道(每个轨道称为2p轨道)。每个轨道都有两个自旋相反的成对电子。因此,K能级由两个电子填充,而L能级由总共八个电子填充。


Atoms contain discrete energy levels


Because electrons are attracted to the positively charged nucleus, it takes work to keep them in their orbitals, just as it takes work to hold a grapefruit in your hand against the pull of gravity. The for-mal definition of energy is the ability to do work.


The grapefruit held above the ground is said to possess potential energy because of its position. If you release it, the grapefruit falls, and its potential energy is reduced. On the other hand,if you carried the grapefruit to the top of a building, you would increase its potential energy.


Electrons also have a potential energy that is related to their position. To oppose the attraction of the nucleus and move the electron to a more distant orbital requires an input of energy, which results in an electron with greater potential energy. The chlorophyll that makes plants green captures energy from light during photosynthesis in this way.


As youll see in chapter 8---light energy excites electrons in the chlorophyll molecule. Moving an electron closer to the nucleus has the opposite effect: Energy is released, usually as radiant energy(heat or light), and the electron ends up with less potential energy(figure 2.6).


One of the initially surprising aspects of atomic structure is that electrons within the atom have discrete energy levels. These discrete levels correspond to quanta (singular, quantum), which means specific amount of energy. To use the grapefruit analogy again, it is as though a grapefruit could only be raised to particular floors of a building. Every atom exhibits a ladder of potential energy values, a discrete set of orbitals at particular energetic “distances” from the nucleus.


Because the amount of energy an electron possesses is related to its distance from the nucleus, electrons that are the same distance from the nucleus have the same energy, even ifthey occupy different orbitals. Such electrons are said to occupy the same energy level. The energy levels are denoted with letters K, L, M, and so on (figure 2.6). Be careful not to confuse energy levels, which are drawn as rings to indicate an electrons energy, with orbitals, which have a variety of three-dimensional shapes and indicate an electrons most likely location.


Electron orbitals are arranged so that as they are filled, this fills each energy level in successive order. This filling of orbitals and energy levels is what is responsible for the chemical reactivityof elements.


During some chemical reactions, electrons are transferred from one atom to another. In such reactions, the loss of an electronis called oxidation, and the gain of an electron is called reduction.


Notice that when an electron is transferred in this way, it keeps its energy of position. In organisms, chemical energy isstored in high-energy electrons that are transferred from one atom to another in reactions involving oxidation and reduction (describedin chapter 7). When the processes of oxidation and reduction are coupled, which often happens, one atom or molecule is oxidized,while another is reduced in the same reaction. We call these combinations redox reactions.


Learning Outcomes Review 2.1


An atom consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons. For each atom, the number of protons is the atomic number; atoms with the same atomic number constitute an element, Atoms of a single element that

have different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Electrons,which determine the chemical behavior of an element, are

located about a nucleus in orbitals representing discrete energy levels. No orbital can contain more than two electrons, but each energy level consists of multiple orbitals, and thus contains many electrons with the same energy.

If the number of protons exceeds the number of neutrons, is the charge on the atom positive or negative?

If the number of protons exceeds electrons?




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